
Restoring Virtual Machines with VMM using PowerShell
The first steps to restore your virtual machine are identical to the steps desribed in my previous post.     To be able to restore using powershell you need to know your servername and the checkpoint name. The command to restore your checkpoint is ‘get-VMCheckpoint –VM <Server> | where{$_.Name -eq “<CheckPoint name>”} | restore-VMCheckpoint | […]

The first steps to restore your virtual machine are identical to the steps desribed in my previous post.


Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager
Get-VMMServer -ComputerName “<ComputerName> | out-null


To be able to restore using powershell you need to know your servername and the checkpoint name. The command to restore your checkpoint is ‘get-VMCheckpoint –VM <Server> | where{$_.Name -eq “<CheckPoint name>”} | restore-VMCheckpoint | out-null

The above command will silently restore your virtual machine.


You enter the following if you want to wait till your restore is finished before the script continues.

Write-Host "$ServerName$ServerNumber is restoring to last checkpoint" -foregroundcolor cyan
</span><span style="color: #000000;">$CheckPointStatus = $SelectedVM.MostRecentTask</span><span style="color: #000000;">start-sleep -seconds 3</span>

<span style="color: #000000;">}
until($CheckPointStatus.status -eq "Completed" -and $ -eq "Restore from checkpoint")

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